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Eòin agus Fiadh-bheatha

Bird Sightings, Local Flora & Fauna

Tha measgachadh de fhlùraichean agus beathaichean san teàrmann.  Tha an loch na àite biadhachaidh do measgachadh de eòin eadar-dhealaichte a bhios ag imrich bhon Artaig ron t-samhradh. Dha mòran dhiubh, seo an àite bho dheireadh far am bi iad a’ biadhachadh mus tèid iad air ais tuath as t-earrach, agus a chiad àite airson biadhachaidh air an t-slighe deas a-rithist as t-fhoghar. Tha e cuideachd gu math cudromach do eòin eile a bhios a’ neadachadh agus a’ biadhachadh a leithid Traoin. Bidh Traoin fireann gu math trice a’ cleachdadh fàs-bheatha ri taobh an locha nuair a tha iad airson traon boireann a lorg. Tha an teàrmann ag amas air cumail suas agus leasachadh ma ghabhas a dhèanamh air talamh-feòir/machair/boglach/talamh-fliuch/breunlach agus ‘fauna’.




Local Flora


Local Fauna




BirdTrack is an exciting project through a partnership between the BTO, the RSPB, Birdwatch Ireland and the Scottish Ornithologists' Club, that looks at migration movements and distributions of birds throughout Britain and Ireland. It provides facilities for observers to store and manage their own personal records as well as using these to support species conservation at local, regional, national and international scales.

Click on the button below to be taken to the Bird Track page. 

Local Flora

•Bright-leaved Pondweed

•Yellow Iris

•Broad-leaved Pondweed

•Bottle Sedge

•Common Cottongrass

•Red Pondweed


•Sharp Flowered Rush

•Spike Rush


•Creeping Bent

•Small Pondweed

•Floating Sweet Grass

•Soft Rush

•Jointed Rush

•Unbranched Reed

•Lesser Spearwort

•Water Forget-me-not


•Marsh Horsetail

•Marsh Arrow Grass

•Water Horsetail

•Marsh Cinquefoil
•Callitriche Hamulata
•Marsh Pennywort
•Alternative Water-milfoil
•Marsh Speedwell
•Amphibious Bistort
•Marsh Bedstraw
•Blue Water Speedwell
•Marsh Marigold
•Blunt-Leaved Pondweed
•Bog Pondweed
•Ragged Robin
•Yellow Iris

Local Fauna


Birds (sighted)
•Grey Heron
•Mute Swan
•Greylag Geese

•Pink-footed Goose

•Barnacle Geese
•Whooper Swan
•Hooded Crow
•Reed Bunting
•Sedge Warbler
•Golden Plover



•Little Grebe

•Black Headed Gull

•Tufted Duck



•Golden Eagle


•Black-tailed Godwit

•White-tailed Eagle



•Marsh, Bog, Wetland
•Open Water


Mammals and Other

LS Management
IMG_1088 (2)
hare skigersta moorland, Ali Finlayson
ponddipping (2)
Corncrake - RSPB photo
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